At Lineage we specialize in helping you realise the full aesthetic, financial & practical potential of your portfolio by using our experience, expertise and knowledge to increase the appeal, usefulness & value of your assets.APPRAISAL
Lineage can evaluate or audit properties both pre & post purchase to help clients identify potential to be released and problems to be addressed. We can prepare a budgeted plan to carry out to provide design, construction, marketing or management and Lineage can then implement those plans to clients requirements.
Not only can Lineage organise and implement all aspects of design and construction work for properties and estates, but we are well experienced at furnishing, dressing and presenting them down to the last detail. Be it for private or commercial use, Lineage can help you creatively make the most of what you have, implementing ideas and improvements to great effect.
Communicating what you have to offer is crucial to commercial success. We pride ourselves in adding value to projects we are involved in for the benefit of the owners, their guests or clients. Capturing the essence of a place or product and transporting that into someone else’s imagination, requires understanding, insight and skill. Done well, it can be an invaluable contributor to the success of a product or place.
Lineage understands that having a trusted representative to take care of your affairs while you are absent is vital. Clarity and communication are of paramount importance. Lineage can undertake a wide range of management functions from the simplest things like property maintenance or key-holding to oversight of major projects or events.

SAS Lineage Châteaux Management
Peyriquey, 33350 DOULEZON
+33 (0) 6 02 33 54 69
N° Siret : 828 284 323 00015