Lineage delivers a full range of design, construction & property services coordinating highly skilled English and French speaking designers, artisans & contractors, to meet the needs of châteaux and other property owners in France.NEW BUILD
There are endless possibilities when your building a new home or adding an extension or addition to an existing property. Modern eco-friendly building techniques can be married with tried and tested traditional methods to create a home which is environmentally friendly, cost effective to build and use, practical to live-in and will age well; having a beauty that will only improve over time. The choice of construction methods, materials and finishes is critical, but when put together with care, skill and attention to detail, the results can be amazing. The opportunities to add value and pleasure when creating a home particularly, is huge – something we pride ourselves in at Lineage.
Breathing new life into old structures is an exciting and rewarding prospect. Bringing a building back to life or giving an existing structure new purpose can be challenging and not without its surprises. Tackling renovation projects with respect for the past, a love of craftsmanship, artisanal creativity and heartfelt passion is what Lineage is all about.
For your peace of mind and protection, Lineage is a French registered enterprise & carries professional builders multi-risk insurance (MAAF Policy No. 133575112K) which includes a 10 year guarrentee on construction works completed by Lineage in full compliance with French law.
The beauty of something that needs restoration is often a fragile thing. It is too easy to over-restore and to loose the very thing that attracted you to something to begin with. Our approach is to fully understand what we are dealing with, before changing anything. Our preference is to keep as much of the original as possible and to nurse or repair as needed. We find a gentle touch often yields the best results. That is not to say, there is never a place to do something brave or dramatic, it just needs to be done with knowledge of what it is going to achieve and a certainty, it is the right thing to do.
Much of the appeal of period properties comes from their individuality and the mark the artisans who built them have left behind. This can be traced from a stone cornice, through the windows and doors, to the stairs and built-in cabinets. In days before mass-production virtually everything was designed and made locally; its legacy still gives us pleasure today. Lineage draws on this traditional artisanal approach and can provide bespoke furniture and joinery especially designed and built to meet your unique requirements. A beautiful kitchen created from individual pieces needn’t to be lost to you should you choose to move. Enjoy them for your lifetime and let the next generation fight over them when you’re done!

SAS Lineage Châteaux Management
Peyriquey, 33350 DOULEZON
+33 (0) 6 02 33 54 69
N° Siret : 828 284 323 00015