Bordeaux Equestrian
France • Europe • USA LINEAGE working in conjunction with former World Champion carriage driver & supplier Patrick Rebulard we are providing timber equestrian buildings with elegance, practicality and a proven heritage. Together with British Monarch Equestrian for...
Oak Frame Carriage House
Château Bois Doré, Newport, RI, USA To complement this landmark château built in 1926 in Le Mode Français, renowned architects Fairfax & Sammons commissioned LINEAGE to design & build a 5-bay oak frame garage designed in the Norman tradition. This authentic...
Oak Frame Kitchen
Bute Lodge, St Brelade, Jersey Privileged to build an oak frame addition in the beautiful garden of this 16th century stone house overlooking St Brelade's bay. Working with our friends at Carpenter Oak we raised the frame designed to a concept we had produced 20 years...
Barn Conversion
Riberac, Dordogne, France Approached by an artist to create a gîte for her students in a barn adjoined to her house, we found when visiting that the design she had in mind did not maximise the potential of the space or enjoy the wonderful views. We explained our ideas...
Wine Chai to Family Room
Pujols, Gironde, France Conversion of a redundant wine chai into a stylish family room involved a clear vision, fearless attitude and hard work. Breaking out the concrete wine cuve and press before bringing through services need courage and planning. New roof windows,...
Château Auguste
St Emilion, France. We are delighted to work from our home base among the vines. Château Auguste's understated Girondaise architecture combining stone, lime, terracotta, wood and iron creates a wonderful backdrop for calm elegant interiors with a timeless...
Château De La Grénerie
Salon La Tour, Corréze , France. We had the opportunity to help the new owner of this amazing 45 room châteaux on +200 hectares & 6 lakes. The estate includes a street of extensive outbuildings with a forge, bakehouse and magnificent stables, 6...
Château Peyfaures
Cottage Renovation, Gironde, France. Six week renovation of a vine-workers cottage to provide accommodation for the new château owner. The work included a challenging alteration a massive chest-high tie-beam to provide usuable head room on the upper floor.
Château Colombe D’Or
Entre deux Mers, France. Project management & contractor supervision plus practical hands on finishing of bathrooms, tiling & wine room.
Château Rigaud
Wedding Venue, Gironde, France. Contracted as Estates & Property manager at a high-end wedding venue in South West France. Taking care of everything from cutting grass and trimming trees, handling all breakdowns and maintenance issues, undertaking special projects...
From Trees to Timber Frame
Moulin Bégasse, Morbihan, France Exciting project creating a timber frame hanger and workshop using cypress trees felled on the property to extend an old dog house/run and to finish using recycled materials: corrugated sheets for the roof; old flush doors &...
Bridge Building
Meslan, Brittany, France. Opportunity to create a 'Monet' style bridge using larch across the mill stream. Always following our ethos of designing and making things that are beautiful & useful!

Jonathan Loy, CEO
Jonathan’s managerial experience and hands-on practical abilities enable him to offer the all-around skills necessary to manage an estate and take care of the needs of its owners. Hospitality has characterised a large portion of Jonathan’s life; organising events, managing venues and being a host. This has been expressed in running community events, London exhibitions, catering for weddings and celebrations in the United States. After relocating to France, Jonathan has been an estate manager & host at a beautiful water mill in Brittany and an estate manager for a château near St Emilion, Bordeaux region.
- Qualified Artisan Charpentier & Menuisier, France 2015.
- Virginia Licensed Class A Building Contractor 2007-2011.
- Accepted into The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers, London in 2003.
- Full member of the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) since September 1997.
- University of Coventry, Bachelor of Science Degree with Honours in Building Design & Management, 1981-1985.
Thanks for helping us with our house. Thank you 🙂
Thank you for sharing this amazing château with myself & my friends. Everything from the decor, to the grounds and especially the food, have been nothing short of perfection…. Please never stop being AMAZING!
“You made the Cruck house come to life.”
Award for Best timber frame design for a commercial project South Eastern USA 2008.

SAS Lineage Châteaux Management
Peyriquey, 33350 DOULEZON
+33 (0) 6 02 33 54 69
N° Siret : 828 284 323 00015